Yes, I am going home tomorrow! La la la la....;p.
Nothing bother me, just keep going on.
No matter what happen, just stay calm because Allah is always with me.
Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
3 Orang Macho komen:
Aslmkum Sis,
Usaha dah.. jadi kena konsisten doa & tawakal.. Insya Allah berjaya! Amin!
teha, ade owg teori x sebrape, clinical dy sgt terer. teha slalu reseat paper, so blaja lg double dr diowg, msti lg mahir.xpe, ni ujian Allah. anis kne repeat yr rlek je, teha jgn la smpy tuka cos taw. syg la. cuba kira, bpe tahun da kte blaja, tadika setaun, skola rndh 6 taun, skola mngh 5 taun, mtrk setaun, then baru dpt pegang cos mD. xkan la kte nak sia2 kan sume yg kte blaja tu semate2 mD 2tahun yg susa cket itu.? hehe. sabar taw. ade owg kne ujian lg dasat. teha msti bole pny. chaiyok! chaiyok!
teha, ade owg teori x sebrape, clinical dy sgt terer. teha slalu reseat paper, so blaja lg double dr diowg, msti lg mahir.xpe, ni ujian Allah. anis kne repeat yr rlek je, teha jgn la smpy tuka cos taw. syg la. cuba kira, bpe tahun da kte blaja, tadika setaun, skola rndh 6 taun, skola mngh 5 taun, mtrk setaun, then baru dpt pegang cos mD. xkan la kte nak sia2 kan sume yg kte blaja tu semate2 mD 2tahun yg susa cket itu.? hehe. sabar taw. ade owg kne ujian lg dasat. teha msti bole pny. chaiyok! chaiyok!
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